About This Site

Mission Statement:

To champion network leaders, and the networks that they serve, to nurture change on the challenges that dwarf us all.

I’m delighted to welcome you to the New Network Leader resource site. We’re excited that you’re here.  It’s an interesting story of how we came to create this website together.  In early 2016, I had the opportunity to work with Children and Nature Network to share my research on network leadership through a series of webinars with their network members.  Through this project, I got to know Amy Pertschuk, co-founder of Children and Nature Network, who found the ideas so compelling that she offered her services pro bono to help develop this website.  Initially, Amy asked if we should create a domain name focused on me and my research.  I immediately realized that that would be too limiting.  In order to achieve leveraged and scalable impact through this website, I absolutely needed to practice what I preach and make this website much less about me and much more about championing network leaders and the networks of which they are a part.  It also made sense to reach out to some of my most inspiring and trusted colleagues who have deep experience leading, developing, and writing about networks themselves to develop the website jointly.  Although the initial idea of a network leader resource page started through discussions that Amy and I had, we have all worked jointly to build this site to support experienced and aspiring network leaders. These Resources have been collected and curated by a community of practitioners and network supporters working to increase the impact of social sector leaders and organizations by promoting the principles of successful networks.  We’d welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can continue to develop resources that will be most helpful to you.  It is our sincere hope that you find these resources and the community that we are building to be uplifting and  a source of ongoing support in your important work.

Jane Wei-Skillern
Senior Fellow
Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley

Marty Kooistra

Jane Wei-Skillern

David Ehrlichman

Nell Edgington

David Haskell